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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Class Assignment: Midterm Reflection, tweetdeck is still kicking my ass

1) The media has a bigger impact on our lives than I ever imagined. The way a single ad can trigger emotions is amazing, it makes advertisement a game. Last night when I was studying I saw notes on one of our first classes and how you made us guess how many advertisements we thought we saw everyday. I guessed 300. You told us it was upwards of 3000 and I don’t doubt that one bit. I honestly wouldn’t doubt it was almost 5000. Today’s day everything is an ad and its near impossible to escape.
2) Ha well as a reader I have learned that I have the least amount of patience reading than I ever have had in my life. It takes about two pages before I loose track of what I’m reading and I’m anxious for something else. I’ve learned that in today’s day, a lot more people are feeling the same way towards reading. Being a write is an important job because you are forwarding a message to the readers. Lol if they have the attention span to read what your writing, you better be entertaining them. And as a thinker, you have to look deeper into a situation before you judge it. a commercial may look like just a simple ad. But you have taught us to look further and see why it is entertaining us and what it is subliminally telling us.
3) Learn how to freaking twitter! No, seriously though I would have paid better attention when we first got our tool packets. Because that packet came back to bite me in the butt. Luckily a lot of it is common sense and its easy to pick up on. Either that or be more social. This class really doesn’t have anybody in it that I’ve ever known before and I think that made it hard for me to get “into” the class for the first few weeks.
4) Honestly you’re a pretty good teacher. You’re a very outgoing guy and I haven’t had any problem with the way you teach. Sometimes I catch myself behind with all the work that is due with the blog. I forget due dates and it kicks me in the ass.
5) Feed really opened my eyes to thinking deeper into our future and where we are headed. I enjoy this class because you teach us about the world we live in today and how we are effecting one another. I have repeated numerous facts we have learned from you to friends outside the school because I find them soo interesting. Also learning about how our brains are effected by the media and the way they attempt to pull us in is something that has always interested me.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blogging here, Jesse.

    So glad the course seems to be working for you!

    We'll discuss kicking Twitter's ass more fully in the weeks ahead.

    Bravo, and audeamus,

    Dr. W
